Originally published: April, 2008
Racist imagery in RE5 trailer?
Posted: 2008-04-13 15:18:46.257
Message board reactions to Newsweek blogger N'Gai Croal's thoughts on Resident Evil 5's controversial trailer miss much of the point.
To say that previously released Resident Evil games featured rabid mobs of Spaniards and Americans of mixed ethnicity simply won't do. To many Americans, an animalistic, homicidal white man is an anomaly, and an animalistic, homicidal black man is a recognizable "type" with historical and institutional precedent. This is what Croal refers to when he says "the imagery is not the same. It doesn't carry the same history, doesn't carry the same weight." Some discussion of the taxonomy of stereotypical, racially insensitive, and/or outright racist imagery of blacks -- such as revolting notions of sambos, minstrels, and savages, as well as the spiritual and moral mentors to non-black figures who feature in many Hollywood movies -- might have preempted much of the reactionary posting that is appearing online. However, I understand that it is not the Newsweek writer's obligation to provide crash courses in black history for an American audience that ought to know better.
Imagine a series of tycoon games in which the object is to control a state's banking and financial institutions and then exercise increasingly powerful political lobbying power. The first game in the series features white characters. Its sequel, however, focuses on corporate fat cats with stereotypical Jewish features. The same entrepreneurship lionized in American culture as the embodiment of by-their-bootstraps success is something else entirely for the stereotyped Jewish character because of historical context and because the same socially constructed categories have been used to oppress and separate Jews from people of other ethnicities. As it retells an age-old story, the game of Jewish tycoons perpetuates notions that have been used in part as justification for the expulsion and extermination of Jews across Europe from 15th century Spain and Portugal to 20th century Germany, Poland, and Russia.
No matter how academic this might sound, all Americans are familiar with the concept. We know that is it different to use a racist, sexist, or homophobic epithet against a person of an ethnicity, gender, or sexuality who the term was never intended to slander, than it is to use the same word to attack another person of the ethnicity, gender, or sexuality that it is intended to wound. Resident Evil 5's trailer is no racist slur-- the point I'm attempting to make is the all-importance of context to meaning.
Unlike Croal, I am not yet convinced that the trailer depicts non-zombie blacks as "all dangerous men, women, and children" who "have to be killed." But I do believe that its imagery does invoke, if not directly draw on, our familiarity with and interest in films like Black Hawk Down, as well as the real world tragedies in Sudan's Darfur region and Rwanda (where black Hutus have in fact murdered perhaps as many as a million black Tutsis and moderate Hutus, often with knives and machetes). The potential problem is that while action games are perfectly able to adapt some of the intensity and chaos of these situations to the purposes of interactive entertainment, they're miserable at handling complicated social, political, and historical contexts. (Similarly, where Black Hawk Down succeeds as an action movie, several critics accuse it of shortchanging the socio-politics of the Battle of Mogadishu.)
At the moment, neither Croal nor I have any idea as to how Resident Evil 5 will handle its suggestive themes. We aren't sure whether it will in some way acknowledge the terrible baggage attached to the real atrocities that lend its scenes such emotional power or simply mine these as videogame thrillmakers. Beyond this specific game, there exists the danger that -- over time, and across multiple iterations -- well-meaning pop culture creations will distill the specific and complex character of conflicts such as Darfur's into the general and simplistic trope of a malicious black mob armed with machetes.
I say well-meaning, because in the case of videogames, current technical limitations restrict the extent to which a developer can paint complete pictures. For instance, it is both easier and more cost effective to render convincing opponents in games like Resident Evil or Call of Duty than it is to breathe believable life into non-combatant characters who go about the business of day-to-day living. This is one reason why we find no NPCs in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's middle-eastern cities, even as the game's missions lead players through the very homes and workplaces of vanished people. And should Infinity Ward have decided to populate its levels with anyone other than armed militants it would have faced the challenge of preventing players from shooting innocents -- a circumstance undoubtedly closer to life, but one that would have risked depicting American and British soldiers as war criminals, as well as forcing players to restart missions after each incident of indiscriminate fire. The trade-off, of course, is that COD 4's unnamed Saudi Arabia is inhabited exclusively by angry Arab gunmen.
While I would be surprised if RE5 does not include a few black NPCs who fill sympathetic supporting roles fleshed out in non-interactive cutscenes, I'm not counting on in-game villagers to flee their zombified and cannibalistic former neighbors.
Are games, as entertainment products, excused from having to deal with these issues? Should they be?
I heard there is a plot point that attempts to draw RE5 into Heart of Darkness territory. Why is this not emphasized more, in the game and in media? Would that make a difference?
At least in Call of Duty 4, they made the effort of showing that these Arab militia were not the only Arabs around, as they showed the Coup, with civilians being gunned down.
Could they have done something like that in Resi 5? Without playing it I can't really say, but it's a question that I hope the developers asked themselves.
What's interesting is that the dicussion of this topic isn't that different now then when this is published. It's also a little sad that instead of trying to tackle issues that come with their given settings, games usually ignore that and instead focus on trying to be action movies, when they could be so much more as political commentary.
It's a sign of not only our industry's position in regards to other media, but its reluctance to change that position.
Great insight into a discussion I had long forgot about, as well as adding another dimension to it.
Yes, there are few games that try to be more than a game and deliver a message to the world instead. I certainly would like them to, the question to ask is what are the right kind of messages to portray in a game that can not be portrayed better in other media; it's best to not have another failed attempt at this.
I would add that it's not just the industry who is to blame for this.
In order for the industry to stay alive, as big as it is, it has to put out content that the masses are willing to absorb. Of course, by that I mean the larger publishers. The entire industry is not some collective entity, though I'm sure my point is clear.
This brings with it the chicken-vs.-the-egg puzzle. The industry is going to have to step up and intellectualize its content and the consumers are going to have to be willing to take it in large enough numbers so that the producers can stay afloat financially.
It's the whole risk factor that's holding the industry back, as many people say, but considering this economy and the amount of money that's spent on these games, it's easily understandable.
I enjou the inclusion of the 'Borat' loking Zombie.
No offense to the Japanese game development community, but has anyone here really expected social commentary that's relevant to our culture's historical race issues to come from Japan?
Even when making something that has global socio-political relevance, for example the commercialization of war in MGS4, the message gets garbled up with cyborg ninjas and supermodels, cloning, La Li Le Lu Lo and god knows what else.
Japan has no duty (and possibly little capability) to be sensitive to our cultural history, anymore than it has a duty to be scientifically accurate about something like a T-virus. The game is meant to entertain above all.
I don't hear people bitching significantly about Prey's Native American generalizations. I heard a few rumblings about Jade Empire's portrayal of Chinese culture, but nothing like the cacophony surrounding RE5.
Is it problematic to co-opt a cultural group to serve as video game archetypes? Often it is. Honestly though, I doubt developers want to create reality from the ground-up when they make a new game. The truth is gamers will identify much more with something familiar, rather than a wild card.
To me the bottom line is that I do *not* look to video games for social commentary because it's generally a medium in which almost all problems are solved via killing everything in sight. This isn't how I tend to deal with the day-to-day obstacles in my life,and it's a damned limited method of delivering meaningful messages.
Yes, one can transpose any number of social implications on the imagery of RE5, but should we? If you happen to have read about the recent PETA protest of CoD:W@W, how much credence do you lend their perspective? I think their argument is flimsy and laughable, and I don't feel much differently about the RE5 bitching.
On a different note though, I'm very surprised nobody (that I've seen) is comparing RE5's control issues to Lair's.
Remember how annoyed everyone was about the tilt-only controls and Julian Eggebrecht's insistence that they were fine?
lol They patched that shit eventually, but not before they killed anyone's desire to play Lair.
So Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare specific failing is that it's actually not Modern Warfare. It's old warfare, where the sides had similar strategies and capabilities and civilians were avoided but with a diffirent look.
How diffirent would RE5 be if rather then having the number of black characters be reduced, the number of black characters was increased?
How diffirent would RE5 be, what diffirent implications would there be if Josh Stone was the lead character/hero? Not white, and not a foreigner fighting against this wesern corperation that is twisting his country up like this.
I think you do make a good point, Operator-C.
"To me the bottom line is that I do *not* look to video games for social commentary because it's generally a medium in which almost all problems are solved via killing everything in sight. This isn't how I tend to deal with the day-to-day obstacles in my life,and it's a damned limited method of delivering meaningful messages."
But why shouldn't other people be able to find social commentary in games? There is so much more to be done in the interactive medium. People watch movies for different reasons (to laugh, cry, think, etc), so games should be able to offer the same, instead of just the "Problem? Shoot it!" approach. I'm not saying that all games should be like this (I enjoy mindless fun as much as anyone else), but the importance of a variety of options in any medium should not be overlooked.
That said, I don't think that RE5 should have to be commentary on anything if doesn't want to, but people will interpret it as such.
@ Suriel Vasquez...
"But why shouldn't other people be able to find social commentary in games?"
I think it's fine for people to look to video games for social commentary, and I don't think the medium is incapable of delivering it.
However, I would say the idea of looking to Capcom for *any* kind of valuable social commentary is going to be a fruitless endeavor.
Off the top of my head, here are some significant Capcom games or series: Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Street Fighter, Lost Planet, Viewtiful Joe, Dead Rising, Mega Man, Final Fight, etc...
Where in this list is there any previous indication that Capcom was capable of providing thoughtful social commentary? Unless I'm forgetting something huge, it's not there.
There can be an underlying message in any media text that unintentionally reflects the author's cultural perspectives. But that interpretation thing goes both ways, and how we receive those messages is a reflection on ourselves.
If a game claims to be offering social critique (maybe Braid or Flower?), I'll look at it in those terms. If a game claims to be a way to escape reality for a few hours (pretty much every fucking game ever made), I'll take that at face value.
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